
Emphasis areas

Road safety

Fundamental strategies for the emphasis areas

The SHSP 2024-2028 adopted the Safe System Approach (SSA) from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as the core to identify the emphasis areas. This approach aims to reduce fatalities and serious injuries for all road users. The approach presents five elements:
  • Safe road users
  • Safe vehicles
  • Safe speeds
  • Safe roads
  • Post-incident care
Incorporating the 5 pillars of the Safe System approach Incorporate the concept of complete streets Incorporate the actions of the Integrated Transportation Authority Incorporate new technical road safety measures (proven safety) FUNDAMENTALSTRATEGIES FOR EACHEMPHASIS AREA

Emphasis areas

SEE MORE SEE MORE SEE MORE SEE MORE SEE MORE SEE MORE Traffic datasystem Agressivedriving Occupantprotection Vulnerable RoadUsers (VRUs) Driving under theinfluene of alcohol Lane departure